ARC Review: My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing



My Lovely Wife

Author: Samantha Downing

Genre: Thriller

Publisher: Berkley Books

Publication Date: March 26, 2019

Links: Goodreads | Amazon* | Book Depository*

Rating: 4 / 5

Source: Digital ARC via NetGalley



This book is a wild ride!

The story begins with your an upper-middle-class family; husband, wife, and two teenage kids. They are going about their lives, working and trying to fit in with their neighbors in the gated community. But as their marriage begins to feel stale they find a new hobby to bring them close again. It started as an accident, but now they spend their nights searching for the perfect girl to be their next victim.

The narrator is the husband, his wife is Millicent, and he is the epitome of an unreliable narrator. He and his wife are involved in seeking out and murdering women, but obviously nothing is that easy. I won’t say more because SPOILERS! And this story is twisty! If you’re looking for an interesting thriller that will continue to throw you curve balls, definitely pick this one up!

Thank you so much to Berkley and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this ARC!

Copy of Book Quote

“It was odd. So was the feeling I got when I replayed Robin’s murder in my head. Every time I did, I though about how fantastic that day was, how we came together and did what needed to be done to protect ourselves. To protect our family. It was amazing.”

-Samantha Downing, My Lovely Wife

*Please note, this quote is from an ARC copy, so it may change in the final copy.

Synopsis: Our love story is simple. I met a gorgeous woman. We fell in love. We had kids. We moved to the suburbs. We told each other our biggest dreams, and our darkest secrets. And then we got bored.

We look like a normal couple. We’re your neighbors, the parents of your kid’s friend, the acquaintances you keep meaning to get dinner with.

We all have secrets to keeping a marriage alive.

Ours just happens to be getting away with murder.









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One thought on “ARC Review: My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing

  1. Pingback: Spotlight: My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing | Bookish Connoisseur

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